Updated October 13th
Gallery Page:
25th Anniversary

Updated October 12th
Gallery Page:
September 25th

Updated October 4th
Home Page:
October Speaker
Fred Kallin
Nobel and his Prizes

Updated October 1st
Home Page:
November Speaker
Jane Dougherty
Ottawa Valley
Geological History

Walkers Page:
October Walk posted
Mud lake Walkabout

Updated September 21st
Gallery Page:
September walk ...
... and lunch

Updated September 19th
Events Page:
Orleans Bowling
November 7th

Updated September 13th
Events Page:
A Spot of Lunch
October 23rd
KS on the Keys

Updated September 8th
Gallery Page:
Meeting and Lunch
August 28th

Updated August 16th
Events Page:
Bytown Museum
Haunted Walk

Home Page
Management Committee
What is Probus?
Past Speakers
Job Descriptions
20 Years
Local Clubs
Spring Fling

   club no. 101 chartered with probus canada

   Probus Club of Ottawa Alta Vista

   sponsored by the rotary club of ottawa


October 23rd, Fred Kallin
Nobel and his Prizes

Fred Kallin, our September speaker last year, returns with a talk on Alfred Nobel, his prizes and Canadian honorees.

Who was Alfred Nobel? Why did he decide to create a set of prizes for all humanity? For many years, the Nobel prizes have been considered the most prestigious prizes in the world. Yet, there were many obstacles to overcome before these prizes became a reality. Some of the key events in this story are not well known and are quite surprising.

For example, who was the famous woman who influenced Alfred Nobel to create the Peace Prize? How are three special horses connected to the creation of the Nobel prizes? How were the Nobel prizes created in spite of interference from Alfred Nobel's relatives and the King of Sweden?

Fred Kallin was born in Gothenburg, Sweden and came to Canada as a toddler when his father Nils Kallin was assigned here as President of SKF Canada and Swedish Consul-General in 1957. Fred went to school in Toronto and attended Queen's University where he completed a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering.

After graduation, Fred worked in the Hi-tech industry in Waterloo as an engineer and inventor. If you have ever used a bank machine, then you have probably used technology that Fred invented and developed.

In 2016, Fred retired and moved to Orillia where he and his wife, Anne, volunteer with several organizations. Fred has taken an active interest in history and volunteers with the Orillia Museum of Art and History.

Expect a dynamite presentation!

November 27th, Jean Dougherty
Ottawa Valley Geological History

As a trained biologist and geologist, Jean had a 36-year career with the Geological Survey of Canada, working to maintain Canada's treasures of paleontological specimens and data. These fossil collections are used to understand the vast geologic history of Canada, providing a timescale for this history, understanding how the Canada's landmass has changed through time, and at what rate this change has occurred.

Jean has been active in her community, serving on several boards, as a soccer coach and a karate instructor for children. Now retired, she is spending more time with her family, especially her grandchildren, with the objective of doing what she can to leave the planet in a state in which her grandchildren may have a decent quality of life.

Immediately followed by
Annual General Meeting

Our year is from January 1 to December 31, so the General Meeting is the time to elect (or re-elect) members to the Management Committee who will take over in January. All positions are open, except that the President will stert the second year of her two year term. The Nominating Committee (Ann Ketcheson, Bernetta Starkey and Jane Wickham) is the modern equivalent of the 19th century naval press gang.

The Treasurer will provide a financial update and others will give reports on their activities. The key position, which must be filled, is Vice-president.

Just a reminder of the exits (emergency and otherwise)

Stay Safe

Johnson Insurance

We have added a link to the Johnson Insurance web site (see "Links" page).
Johnson provides competitive rates for Probus members for all kinds of insurance, particularly travel insurance.
They are in the process of joining with Belair Direct, but this link will still give you access.

Guests and Visitors from other Clubs are welcome.

We are a 'Combined' Club. We meet on the 4th Wednesday of the month (except December - 2nd Wednesday). Meetings begin at 10:00 with a few minutes of announcements and then a speaker. Members start to arrive about 9:30 for coffee, cookies and chat (tea, Tim-bits and talk).

Meetings are at:

Gloucester Presbyterian Church
91 Pike Street
Ottawa K1T 3J6

Pike Street runs north from Hunt Club just west of Conroy. The church is at the corner of Lorry Greenberg and Pike. The parking lot entrance is off Pike.


 PROBUS' Vital Purpose

... to stimulate thought, interest and participation in activities at a time in life when it is easy to become complacent and self-centred.

Copyright Probus Alta Vista (2011 to 2024)
Site development by SoftWright Inc.